

GETCAMERAPLANES gets the calibration planes from the camera calibration results.


function [cameraPlanes,BoardCorners] = GetCameraPlanes(fname,noscans)


 GETCAMERAPLANES gets the calibration planes from the camera calibration results.
 GETCAMERAPLANES retrieves the calibration planes from the camera
 calibration results in the form of normal vectors and chessboard corner
   [cameraPlanes] = GetCameraPlanes(fname,noscans)
   After running the Camera Calibration Toolbox and saving Calib_Results.mat
   This function will load that file (current directory assumed)
   For every available Rc_n and Tc_n now in the workspace it will create a
   normal vector N ~ 3x1 describing the plane.  Magnitude of vector is the
   distance to the plane from the camera origin in metres

   NOTE:   Magnitude describes distance to plane in METRES
           Vector is from plane to camera origin
     fname: name of camera calibration file.
     noscans: the total number of laser scans.
     cameraPlanes: 3xnoscans array containing the normal vector of the
     calibration plane of the corresponding laser scan.
     BoardCorners: is a 1xnoscans array of structures. Each structure has
     the following elements:
         n_sq_x: number of squares of the calibration chessboard along the
         x direction.
         n_sq_y: number of squares of the calibration chessboard along the
         y direction.
         corners: 3x((n_sq_x+1)*(n_sq_y+1)) array with the coordinates of
         the chessboard corners in the camera frame.

 Written by James Underwood 10/07/06

 Modified by Abdallah Kassir 1/3/2010


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [cameraPlanes,BoardCorners] = GetCameraPlanes(fname,noscans)
0002 % GETCAMERAPLANES gets the calibration planes from the camera calibration results.
0003 %
0004 % GETCAMERAPLANES retrieves the calibration planes from the camera
0005 % calibration results in the form of normal vectors and chessboard corner
0006 % coordinates.
0007 %
0008 % USAGE:
0009 %   [cameraPlanes] = GetCameraPlanes(fname,noscans)
0010 %   After running the Camera Calibration Toolbox and saving Calib_Results.mat
0011 %   This function will load that file (current directory assumed)
0012 %   For every available Rc_n and Tc_n now in the workspace it will create a
0013 %   normal vector N ~ 3x1 describing the plane.  Magnitude of vector is the
0014 %   distance to the plane from the camera origin in metres
0015 %
0016 %   NOTE:   Magnitude describes distance to plane in METRES
0017 %           Vector is from plane to camera origin
0018 %
0019 % INPUTS:
0020 %     fname: name of camera calibration file.
0021 %
0022 %     noscans: the total number of laser scans.
0023 %
0024 % OUTPUTS:
0025 %     cameraPlanes: 3xnoscans array containing the normal vector of the
0026 %     calibration plane of the corresponding laser scan.
0027 %
0028 %     BoardCorners: is a 1xnoscans array of structures. Each structure has
0029 %     the following elements:
0030 %
0031 %         n_sq_x: number of squares of the calibration chessboard along the
0032 %         x direction.
0033 %
0034 %         n_sq_y: number of squares of the calibration chessboard along the
0035 %         y direction.
0036 %
0037 %         corners: 3x((n_sq_x+1)*(n_sq_y+1)) array with the coordinates of
0038 %         the chessboard corners in the camera frame.
0039 %
0040 % Written by James Underwood 10/07/06
0041 %
0042 % Modified by Abdallah Kassir 1/3/2010
0045 cameraPlanes=[];
0046 load(fname);
0048 stringRBase = 'Rc_';
0049 stringTBase = 'Tc_';
0051 base = 1;
0052 %for n = selectionNumbers
0053 while( exist([stringRBase,num2str(base)]) && exist([stringTBase,num2str(base)]) )
0055     rc = eval([stringRBase,num2str(base)]);
0056     tc = eval([stringTBase,num2str(base)]);
0058     plane = -rc(:,3) * dot(rc(:,3)', tc); % see cam/laser paper
0059     plane = -plane./1000; % in mm not m and from camera to plane not the other way around
0060     cameraPlanes=[cameraPlanes,plane];
0062     base = base + 1;
0063 end
0065 if isempty(cameraPlanes)
0066     error('No Rc_# or Tc_# variables found in Calib_Results.mat - check the camera calibration');
0067 end
0069 stringXBase = 'X_';
0070 stringnsqxBase='n_sq_x_';
0071 stringnsqyBase='n_sq_y_';
0073 kk=1;
0074 while exist([stringXBase,num2str(kk)],'var')
0075     rc = eval([stringRBase,num2str(kk)]);
0076     tc = eval([stringTBase,num2str(kk)]);
0077     x  = eval([stringXBase,num2str(kk)]);
0078     BoardCorners(kk).n_sq_x = eval([stringnsqxBase,num2str(kk)]);
0079     BoardCorners(kk).n_sq_y = eval([stringnsqyBase, num2str(kk)]);
0080     BoardCorners(kk).corners=(rc * x + tc * ones(1,size(x,2)))./1000; % in m
0081     kk=kk+1;
0082 end
0084 % fix sizes to noscans
0085 if size(cameraPlanes,2)<noscans
0086     for cntr=size(cameraPlanes,2)+1:noscans
0087         cameraPlanes(:,cntr)=NaN;
0088         BoardCorners(cntr).n_sq_x=NaN;
0089         BoardCorners(cntr).n_sq_y=NaN;
0090         BoardCorners(cntr).corners=NaN;
0091     end
0092 elseif size(cameraPlanes,2)>noscans
0093     % trim
0094     cameraPlanes=cameraPlanes(:,1:noscans);
0095     BoardCorners=BoardCorners(1:1:noscans);
0096 end

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