

SHOWLASMOVE is a debugging function to display the laser scans.


function showlasmove(angleVector,rangeMatrix,speed)


 SHOWLASMOVE is a debugging function to display the laser scans.

 SHOWLASMOVE is a debugging function to display the laser scans.
     angleVector: 1xN vector; angleVector lists the angles for the ranges
     in rangeMatrix.
     rangeMatrix: MxN array; Each row in rangeMatrix contains a laser scan
     with ranges at the angles specified in angleVector.
     speed: display speed (integer greater than or equal to 1).


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function showlasmove(angleVector,rangeMatrix,speed)
0002 % SHOWLASMOVE is a debugging function to display the laser scans.
0003 %
0004 % SHOWLASMOVE is a debugging function to display the laser scans.
0005 %
0006 % USAGE:
0007 %     showclusters(angleVector,rangeMatrix,clstrs);
0008 %
0009 % INPUTS:
0010 %     angleVector: 1xN vector; angleVector lists the angles for the ranges
0011 %     in rangeMatrix.
0012 %
0013 %     rangeMatrix: MxN array; Each row in rangeMatrix contains a laser scan
0014 %     with ranges at the angles specified in angleVector.
0015 %
0016 %     speed: display speed (integer greater than or equal to 1).
0018 figure;
0019 axis;
0020 mov=1;
0021 if ~exist('speed','var')
0022     mov=0;
0023 end
0025 if mov
0026     for cntr=1:speed:size(rangeMatrix,1);
0027         polar(angleVector,rangeMatrix(cntr,:),'.');
0028         title(num2str(cntr));
0029         drawnow;
0030         cla;
0031     end
0032 else
0033     cntr=1;
0034     while 1
0035         dispclstrscore(angleVector,rangeMatrix(cntr,:),ones(size(angleVector)));
0036         imdistline;
0037         title(num2str(cntr));
0038         while ~waitforbuttonpress
0039         end
0040         btnprsd=get(gcf,'CurrentCharacter');
0041         if btnprsd=='n'
0042             cntr=cntr+1;
0043             if cntr>size(rangeMatrix,1)
0044                 cntr=size(rangeMatrix,1);
0045             end
0046         elseif btnprsd=='b'
0047             cntr=cntr-1;
0048             if cntr<1
0049                 cntr=1;
0050             end
0051         elseif btnprsd=='e'
0052             break;
0053         end
0054         cla;
0055     end
0056 end

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