Automatic Camera-Laser Calibration

This is the main page of the Automatic Camera-Laser Calibration software. Below are links to the Matlab toolboxes and their documentation. The first toolbox provides automatic camera calibration by adding an automatic extraction function to Bouguet's Matlab Camera Calibration Toolbox [1]. The second toolbox provides automatic extrinsic camera-laser calibration by adding an automatic extraction function to the method proposed by Pless and Zhang [2]. It should be noted that the ouput of the first toolbox is a requirement for the calibration in the second toolbox. A sample calibration dataset is also provided. [3] and [4] are publications related to the toolboxes.

Automatic Camera Calibration Toolbox

Automatic Camera Calibration Toolbox Documentation

Bug Fixes:


1. filtergrid function fixed and updated

2. adaptimadj bug occuring at zero standard deviation fixed (Anonymous)

Automatic Camera-Laser Calibration Toolbox

Automatic Camera-Laser Calibration Toolbox Documentation

Sample Dataset

Bug Fixes:


1. InsertToImage functionality fixed (Kim Chuan)


2. Levenberg Marquardt option incompatibility with new Matlab versions (Rong Feng)


1. J.-Y. Bouguet. Camera Calibration Toolbox for Matlab,, 2009.

2. Q. Zhang and R. Pless. Extrinsic calibration of a camera and laser range finder (improves camera calibration). In Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2004.

3. A. Kassir and T. Peynot. Reliable Automatic Camera-Laser Calibration. In Proceedings of the Australasian Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2010.

4. T. Peynot and A. Kassir. Laser-camera data discrepancies and reliable perception in outdoor robotics. In Proceesdings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2010.

Abdallah Kassir

Last Updated 23/7/2012
