Experimental Data


The experimental data published in this page follows a format that is close to what the program will see when working in Real Time. A full detail of the format is presented in Data_Format.

The format is designed to support as many sensors as the users provide. The contributor of a data file should prepare the file following the format using one of the existing sensors or provide the sensor format and register this sensor in the sensor database if a new sensor is included in the experimental data. I will maintan a database with all the existing sensors. I do not expect that this will grow without bounds since we are all working with a small number of sensors.

Once I receive the information of a new data set I will add a link to the page where the experimental data is published and add the specification of a new sensor if new. The contributors of new data are encouraged to provide as much information as possible regarding the experimental conditions.

If we all follow this format we should be able to run many programs on different data files without code modification.