Motion Model
We are using an Ackerman Model:
if we translate our model to the gps and laser point, let us call this point.
velocity is
measured with an encoder locate in the back left wheel. This velocity is
translated to the center of the axle with the following equation:
For our vehicle:
Finally the discrete model in global coordinates can be approximated with the following set of equations:
Figure 1: Vehicle kinematics
Observation Model
Observation model for range and bearing sensor:
Figure 2: Vehicle and Laser sensor
A.1 Motion Model Jacobians:
A.2 Observation Model Jacobians:
For the Slam case, where the state vector is the vehicle posse and beacons position:
Ute Dimensions:
2 Sensors
2.1 Sensors available in the Ute
Dead Reckoning:
Velocity Encoder and Steering angle
Inertial Measument Unit: 3 accel / 3 gyros / 2 inclinometers ( Watson Unit )
External Sensors: