Sensor number 4


GPS (i,x) Matrix with following Information:

GPS(i,1) Time [sec]
GPS(i,2) Latitude [meters] with respect to starting point
GPS(i,3) Longitude [meters] with respect to starting point
GPS(i,4) Altitude [meters] with respect to starting point
GPS(i,5) Course [degrees] with respect to North
GPS(i,6) Speed over the ground [metres/sec]
GPS(i,7) Vertical Speed [ metres/sec]
GPS(i,8) Sigma Latitude [metres]
GPS(i,9) Sigma Lonitude [metres]
GPS(i,10) Sigma Altivude [metres]
GPS(i,11) Mode 0:Autonomous, 1 Diff, 2 Float RTK, 3 RTK
GPS(i,12) Number of Satellites

The ASCII files has the values separated by spaces " "